Claire Margaret Well long time no speak, where do i begin???? So above me here is my new Logo i created myself as a label that can hopefully grow and become familiar all over the world as if it was a symbol for greatness... and i hope i can bring greatness into amother addicts life, maybe its someone who has hiven up all hope, theyre really at rock bottom and to them it doesnt matter if theyre a mother, father, brother or sister, they just want out because living in active addiction is living in hell!!! Anyways change of topic as I am very tired but this blog post is a little late so i need to make it quick but the fact that i am following through says alot which is a massive thing when you get sober, your word becomes your word and that becomes trustworthy. okay so its coming up 2 years since i found out my dad was dead on his bedroom floor with his door baracaded and a smashed window with the bedroom and everything in it soaked with blood oh and he also had maggots in his body be...
I made it to 118 days clean and sober, woohoo! I am 13 weeks into rehab, I graduate on the 14th December 2023 then stick around until the 9th January 2024, then I am off to another rehab for a further 16 weeks until the end of April 2024. I feel so blessed to have all of these opportunities, I truly feel like I am just starting my life for the first time in 30 years. People at rehab have been commenting on my slight weight loss, ive been eating healthy and exercising everyday so it's about time! I feel great! drugs never made me thin if anything they made me really unfit, atleast now I have some form of a fitness level and muscle tone, im still a big girl but I will get there. I cant believe how well I look compared to when I was on the meth and GHB. I am so proud of myself! I have a plan for after rehab and thats to get a job in a animal shelter or a veterinary clinic, I have started a course in animal care whilst I am in rehab as I am very passionate about animals since I was ...