This isn't really a blog entry that anyone who has an emotional connection and loves me should read as its probably going to be a bit too raw and confronting.
The first photo is my Facebook page for 'Recovering Loud and Proud' please follow me if you're interested in my journey or seeking support yourself or whatever reason other then negativity... I also have my merchandise ive created but yet to be made as I'm waiting to see if this all kicks off and I can build a online community/online family across the world where we can go and vent without judgement, share ideas, offer support ect.
As for the second photo, I find to be a little confronting. This is a photo I can't remember taking sometime last week. I guess i wanted to see how i looked straight after i had a shot of meth. Its not a pretty site, this is me at some stupid hour of the night meeting up with a dealer outside a car wash to score in another suburb and then pulling down a deserted street weighing up 1.5 in a clean baggies then filling a syringe with 30 units of water, squirting it into the bag dissolving what looks like crystals and then holding the syringe up straight tapping out all the air bubbles then tying my arm up and sticking it into my vein then releasing the tourniquet once ive hit it then pushing the plunger in, whitin 5 seconds the warm rush starts to go through my whole body up my arm into my chest as it hits my heart my heart begins to slow then as the rush runs down my body to my toes the adrenaline kicks in and my heart starts pumping as hard as it can while my cheeks become hot and flushed, im so good at it that I don't even need any light to shooYong and that's not something im proud of.
I was hesitant to post this because to me it is a bit graphic and confronting and I really hope my loved ones don't read this post because its hard enough for them as it is. That rush could be so deadly so why do I do it for? that rush is addictive. I remember the days when I use to smoke meth instead of inject and they're 2 completely different highs, smoking it made me feel alert and awake, injecting it makes me feel like I've stepped into another realm of life for a good couple of hours im not even on the same planet as you.
I don't encourage injecting but if you do try and keep it to 1 point and space out the injections as it can be very dangerous and you can overheat your body very easily. Invest in some hydralyte which you can get from the chemist and have aspirin on hand to help your heart flow or any chest pain but take it within moderation and absolutely always STAY HYDRATED!!! And try and eat little bits here and there to keep the body going, even invest in some vitamins and never use alone.
I havnt posted in a while but life has turned around for the better and is so wonderful now! I am proud to be clean and sober since 27th July 2023 which is when I entered detox. The first 3 days were the hardest I have ever done at one point I was hunched over in the nurses room with one rubbing stuff into my neck another getting me to sniff Tiger balm oil while another got me valiums and anti nausea tablets, but I made it through however I will never forget that experience, I much would have rather had the flu however I needed to go through it, I spent 11 days in detox. Now im in rehab for the next 16 weeks and I love it here, the wild life is amazing, im so happy and I wake up super early everyday , im always smiling. The program is full on but I can handle it and they love me here, ive been giving good feedback my case manager told me that im a big personality and to remember that not everyone is like me and that sometimes I need to tone it down a bit haha, I literally make eve...