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Help Couldnt Come Quick Enough

Last Thursday I was brought into hospital by somebody I'd been hanging out with because mentally I had shut down, I hardly remember it, I just remember the psych nurse saying they were holding me for crisis containment, I ended up being in there for 4 or 5 days, they detoxed me and I slept for days, coming down was horrible but they were feeding me so much valium and anti psychotics. Tonight I spoke to my children for the first time in 3 weeks and my daughters got upset on the phone and that shattered me but I expected it. I've promised I will speak to them by phone every night, ive also cleaned my house and done 3 loads of washing so im proud of myself there. im about to write down all the goals I want to achieve, I may not care or love myself but my children need me and I can't keep letting them down. I hope and pray that rehab is just around the corner, im so ready to turn my back on this lifestyle of drugs and crime, I just want a normal life again, like how it use to be before meth became apart of my life, if I could go back I wouldn't have touched it but at the time I had just seen my pop die infront of me and a few weeks later I saw my dad overdose infront of me he ended up in icu and survived but it was pretty hectic and I was in a domestic violent relationship which seemed to be getting worse so one day I tried meth and suddenly all my worries went away but really meth rips you apart, it hurts your loved ones and make you do stupid shit, it takes everything from you and it forever plays on your mind, you have to find strentgh to fight the urge, its something I never understood until I became a drug addict with meth its not something that can be explained, just trust me when I say don't ever try it. Xxx


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