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Showing posts from February, 2025

Welcome Back!!! Year 2025!!!

Claire Margaret Well long time no speak, where do i begin???? So above me here is my new Logo i created myself as a label that can hopefully grow and become familiar all over the world as if it was a symbol for greatness... and i hope i can bring greatness into amother addicts life, maybe its someone who has hiven up all hope, theyre really at rock bottom and to them it doesnt matter if theyre a mother, father, brother or sister, they just want out because living in active addiction is living in hell!!! Anyways change of topic as I am very tired but this blog post is a little late so i need to make it quick but the fact that i am following through says alot which is a massive thing when you get sober, your word becomes your word and that becomes trustworthy. okay so its coming up 2 years since i found out my dad was dead on his bedroom floor with his door baracaded and a smashed window with the bedroom and everything in it soaked with blood oh and he also had maggots in his body be...